
Temperature Converter

Convert between different temperature scales

Temperature Conversion Reference

Celsius to Other Units

Common conversions from Celsius to other temperature units

From To Conversion Ratio Note
celsius fahrenheit °F = (°C × 9/5) + 32 Standard conversion formula
celsius kelvin K = °C + 273.15 Scientific standard conversion

Fahrenheit to Other Units

Common conversions from Fahrenheit to other temperature units

From To Conversion Ratio Note
fahrenheit celsius °C = (°F - 32) × 5/9 Standard conversion formula
fahrenheit kelvin K = (°F - 32) × 5/9 + 273.15 Less common but useful

Important Temperature Points

Reference points in different temperature scales

Reference Point Celsius Fahrenheit Kelvin
Water Freezing Point 0°C 32°F 273.15K
Water Boiling Point 100°C 212°F 373.15K
Room Temperature 20-22°C 68-72°F 293-295K
Body Temperature 37°C 98.6°F 310.15K
Absolute Zero -273.15°C -459.67°F 0K

Common Conversion Tables

Celsius to Fahrenheit

°C °F
-40 -40
-20 -4
0 32
20 68
40 104
60 140
80 176
100 212

Fahrenheit to Celsius

°F °C
-40 -40
-20 -28.888889
0 -17.777778
20 -6.666667
40 4.444444
60 15.555556
80 26.666667
100 37.777778