
Power Converter

Convert between different power units like watt, horsepower, kilowatt.

Power Conversion Reference

Watt to Other Units

Common conversions from watts to other power units

From To Conversion Ratio Note
w kw 1 W = 0.001 kW Basic metric conversion
w hp 1 W = 0.00134102 hp Conversion to mechanical power
w btuh 1 W = 3.41214 BTU/h Used in HVAC applications

Kilowatt to Other Units

Common conversions from kilowatts to other power units

From To Conversion Ratio Note
kw w 1 kW = 1,000 W Basic metric conversion
kw hp 1 kW = 1.34102 hp Common conversion for engines and motors
kw btuh 1 kW = 3,412.14 BTU/h Used in heating and cooling

Horsepower to Other Units

Common conversions from horsepower to other power units

From To Conversion Ratio Note
hp w 1 hp = 745.7 W Standard conversion
hp kw 1 hp = 0.7457 kW Used in automotive and industrial applications
hp btuh 1 hp = 2,544.43 BTU/h Used in engine specifications

BTU/hour to Other Units

Common conversions from BTU per hour to other power units

From To Conversion Ratio Note
btuh w 1 BTU/h = 0.293071 W Used in heating and cooling
btuh kw 1 BTU/h = 0.000293071 kW Common HVAC conversion
btuh hp 1 BTU/h = 0.000393015 hp Used in power comparisons

Common Conversion Tables

Horsepower to Kilowatt

hp kW
0.001 0.000746
0.01 0.007457
0.1 0.07457
1 0.7457
10 7.457
100 74.57
1000 745.7

Kilowatt to Horsepower

kW hp
0.001 0.001341
0.01 0.01341
0.1 0.134102
1 1.341022
10 13.410219
100 134.102186
1000 1341.021859

Watt to BTU/hour

0.001 0.003412
0.01 0.034121
0.1 0.341214
1 3.412141
10 34.121413
100 341.214129
1000 3412.141286

Kilowatt to Watt

kW W
0.001 1
0.01 10
0.1 100
1 1000
10 10000
100 100000
1000 1.000000e+06

Megawatt to Kilowatt

0.001 1
0.01 10
0.1 100
1 1000
10 10000
100 100000
1000 1.000000e+06